Monitoring Center Introduction
Internet Piracy increase dramatically with digital technology developing, and new piracy method appears continuously. Enhance digital copyright law protection, comprehensively increasing copyright operation, management, protection and service abilities is the most important issue in copyright industrial nowadays.
To tie in with the party central committee and the state council the protection of intellectual property rights strategy, optimizing the network copyright regulation means, China copyright association established copyright society of china monitoring center (referred to as "12426 copyright monitoring center"), providing the technical support for the government to carry out the supervision of network copyright, providing copyright monitoring, certification,identification and legal aid rights and other services for members and the public. 12426 copyright monitoring center aims to build a copyright monitoring platform, and condense wisdom of all walks of life, to conduct a more effective governance of Internet piracy behavior and guarantee the healthy and orderly development of the copyright industry.
Monitoring Center Functions

1、Entrusted by a member of China copyright association and the social from all walks of life, To conduct copyright certification, copyright monitoring ,  judicial appraisal, electronic evidence and legal advisory and other work.

2、To conduct verification, statistical and analytical processing of the issues reflected in monitoring and reporting, and submit to relevant government departments

3、Help solving Internet copyright infringement issues for film, television, music, literature, pictures, games and animation related industries.

4、Provide copyright data analysis report to film, television, music, literature, pictures, games and animation related industries.

5、Assist the relevant government departments to investigate and deal with network infringement information according to law.

6、Statistics and publish the results of network infringement information processing.

7、Other matters entrusted by the national copyright administration.

Technology Advantages
Relying on the technical support from Fistbrave Information Technologies in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, copyright big data analysis and its self-developed“the fingerprint feature matching technique”,for film,television,sports,music,pictures,games and other types of works,provide 7 * 24 hour uninterrupted monitoring. The monitoring scope covers the global network broadcast platform such as PC, mobile APP, smart TV, set-top box and so on. For the new platform such as public number, cloud disk and Aggregated APP webcast, we use the copyright data monitoring platform subsystem for classification monitoring and quickly determine the infringing content from hundreds of millions of massive information.
Contact us

Address:Jiaohua Road Jia 18,Room 305,Chaoyang District ,Beijing ,China

Contact Phone Number:4000012426

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Contact Phone Number:4000012426

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Copyright Society of China Monitoring Center


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